Wednesday, May 20, 2009



i just figured out my password for this here site. i dont really know what to say, because no one is even reading this anyway. ive got about 14 dvds i HAVE to watch, and they're all really good so i might die from intaking too much quality over such a short period of time. anyway the list ATM is:
silence of the lambs
the shining
a clockwork orange
eyes wide shut
mean streets
gosford park
night on earth
broken flowers
dead man
ghost dog
fight club
taxi driver
burn after reading
crash (david cronenberg version, none of this robert altman/magnolia rip off shit starring sandra bullock)
a scanner darkly
jackie brown
no country for old men
the darjeeling limited

seriously, i have a stack of those dvds right here staring at me, but instead ive gotta study WHAT THE FUCK.

last night i finished watching bringing out the dead, and i think it might be one of my fav Scorcese films. i think its not generally liked, which i think is bullshit, because its clearly fucking radical. on a purely visual level its stunning, and on a pure entertainment level is fantastic, so combined its SICK AS.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

laissez faire as fuck

i just realised ive been on this computer almost all night except for that 2.5 hour sleep break i had and how i was half watching igby goes down on channel 7 (or maybe it was 9 i dont really know to be honest, either way it wasnt a bad movie but it seemed very similar to the catcher in the rye but it had jeff goldblum in it and hes a pretty swell guy)/

why am i even typing this is hsould be doing work what the fuc ok fuck it im goi


I hate America for the simple fact that I have to write an essay about the wall street crash and its key factors and all that shit

WHY DID FORDNEY AND MCCUMBER HAVE TO PLACE TARRIFS ON AGRICULTURAL GOODS BEING IMPORTED INTO EUROPE I HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT THIS BULLSHIT AND ITS GAY. figuratively gay of course as gay is a way to describe a person's sexual orientation as liking someone of the same sex and i'm pretty certain that the Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act was in fact not a person but a American Isolationist bill created by Joseph Fordney and Porter McCumber that was passed through Congress in 1922 and therefore unable to have any sexual orientation of any kind at all whatsoever!
